

為強化臺灣與馬來西亞雙邊夥伴關係,擴大臺馬產業鏈結合作,中華民國全國工業總會(CNFI) 與馬來西亞製造商聯合會 (FMM) 將於 2022 年 9 月 6 日至 8 日以線上連線方式舉辦「2022 臺馬產業鏈結高峰論壇」。
論壇及報名資訊請詳網址 www.tmics-tm.com ,報名成功後,大會將於活動前一週寄送提醒信。請點擊提醒信中的免登入連結,即可參與線上論壇活動。
您的參與將是我們的榮幸,期待與您於臺馬產業鏈結高峰論壇相見 ! 歡迎偕同企業夥伴共襄盛舉 !

馬來西亞製造商聯合會 中華民國全國工業總會


Dear Sir/Madam,

To enhance the Malaysia-Taiwan bilateral partnership and strengthen the industrial
collaboration between Taiwan and Malaysia, we are delighted to announce that the
"2022 Malaysia-Taiwan Industrial Collaboration Summit" will be held from
September 6th to 8th, jointly organized by Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
(FMM) and Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI).

We cordially invite you to join the 3-day on line summit where you could expect expert
insights from the industry, research institutes and entrepreneurs from Taiwan and
Malaysia. Moreover, you are welcome to explore the potential business opportunities
in the fields of Textile, Biotechnology for Food, Medicine and Cosmetics, Smart City
and IT Service.

Please mark your calendars and register at earliest possible convenience. We will
send you a confirmation email with access link one week before the event. Please visit
the Event website at www.tmics-tm.com for the further information.
We look forward to your presence at the event 2022 MTICS.
Yours faithfully,

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Chinese National Federation of Industries

English agenda
